Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekend Recap: First Weekend of Fall!

Hello! It seems like it's been forever since my last post! So sorry about that! It was a combination of being busy with other things & lack of content. 

However, I'm back today with my weekend recap! 

Happy Fall, Y'all! 2

Last Monday was the first day of fall, and we celebrated this weekend! 

Although it is officially fall, it still feels like summer in some parts of Wisconsin! We enjoyed the weather at Party on the Pavement in downtown Racine. 

Face painting was our first stop. 

Crown making was our second. 


We walked down Main St. & it was super crowded (& filled with people who were enjoying their alcohol ;)), so we decided to head home after about an hour. 

Saturday night we watched the Badgers beat Hawaii & played Uno -- wild, I know! ;)

On Sunday afternoon we went to our favorite pumpkin farm! 

You must stand by this sign every year to see how much you've grown since the last! 

Doesn't that pumpkin girl look exactly like Cinderella?! ;)

I think Cat in the Hat was falling asleep? :)

Train ride time! 

Alexis wanted to be right behind the big tractor! It wasn't busy at all, so you could pretty much sit wherever you wanted. 

Feeding the goats!

My three favorite girls on the hayride! 

With Grandma Mary! :)

My cute little pumpkin Ava K! 

I love these two more than words! 

This was the first year that we went to the pumpkin farm so early, and it was actually really nice! We almost had the whole farm to ourselves & we didn't have to wait in any lines. Maybe going the last weekend in September will become a new tradition ;)

Hope you had a great weekend! Happy Monday! 

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Show & Tell Tuesday: Who's Coming to Dinner?

Today I'm linking up with fellow blogger Andrea for Show & Tell Tuesday. Today I was asked to  share the 5 people I would invite to a dinner party at my house! 

I decided that I would focus on inviting people who are alive, but if I was focusing on a more serious dinner party & could invite anyone dead or alive, I would probably invite Jesus & others from the Bible. 

However today, I'm inviting people who are currently alive & would contribute to a really fun dinner party! When thinking about who to invite I thought about the things that I love & what people play a part in those things. 

Nigel Hayes

Nigel Hayes

To some people he may not be a celebrity, but to anyone who loves Wisconsin sports he is. Not only is he a great basketball player, (preseason All American anyone?!) but he's also a really fun person. If  you watched March Madness at all last season, he's the player who shared new words from the dictionary at every press conference & called a stenographer "beautiful." Nigel would bring some personality & great conversation to dinner!  

Justin Timberlake 

Justin Timberlake takes on Ryan Gosling's former project, 'The Idolmaker'

Just like many tween girls in the late 90's/early 2000's I was the biggest fangirl of *NSYNC! Justin was all over my walls, folders, tshirts, & so on.  Now, he is still an amazing musician, but is also a hilarious person. I love watching him with Jimmy Fallon -- it cracks me up every time! He is also now a father & maybe he would bring his wife Jessica too! :)

Ellen DeGeneres


If I'm thinking about a really fun dinner party, then of course I have to invite Ellen! She is seriously so funny! I die laughing every time I watch her show. She loves helping people & her humility is contagious! She's also pretty good friends with Justin & I'm sure they would bring the jokes!

Sean & Catherine Lowe (can I count them as one? :))
Like I said, when inviting people I thought about the things I love & The Bachelor franchise is one of those things. Not only are Sean & Catherine really fun people, but they are also Christ-followers. They seem like an awesome couple that I would love to hang out with. Plus, maybe they could introduce me to Ben H. ;)

Brett Eldredge

Brett Eldredge

Last but not least I would invite my favorite country artist! I love Brett's music (go check out his new album Illinois), but he also seems like he has a great personality! I follow him on Snapchat & he is always doing something crazy fun! 

This might seem like one hodge podge of a dinner party, but I think in the end everyone would have SO much fun together! There wouldn't be a dull moment! 

gathering from scratch retreat / local milk:

Tips to host a relaxed Outdoor Dinner Party - Dinner Party Hosting Tips To Help Guests Feel Welcome - My Guest Post @Hadley Court:

As for decor...this is totally what my dinner party would look like! :) (Images via Pinterest)

Who would you invite do your dinner party? Let me know in the comments! 

Have a great day!

Friday, September 4, 2015

Friday Favorites!

Hello! Happy Friday! Happy 3-day-weekend Friday! 

 I'm so sorry I've been horrible at blogging lately! I'm really going to try to be more consistent next week! 

Today I'm linking up with fellow bloggers Andrea & Erika to share some of my favorites from the week with you!

US Open 2015 Live Streaming

US Open 2015 Fixtures

The US Open started on Monday, and I've been watching matches all week. I played tennis in high school & ever since, it has been one of my FAVORITES to watch on TV. It's a dream of mine to watch the US Open in person someday. 

Andy Murray Wimbledon semi pulls in 13m viewers

My FAVORITE player currently is Andy Murray. I also used to love Andy Roddick when he played. They are both somewhat underdogs -- I guess I like an underdog. Murray is ranked 3rd in the world, but he always seems to get beat by the #1 (Djokovic) & #2 (Federer). Maybe this is his slam to win! :)

On Wednesday my FAVORITE four year old twin nieces started 4K. It is such a blessing that I live in the same city as them right now. I'm so glad I can be there to expereince moments like this! They weren't scared at all & walked right into school without any hesitation! Excuse me while I go cry because my babies are getting too big! 

I made these little signs for them to hold for their pictures! Designing little projects like this is one of my FAVORITE things to do!

Pinterest LogoCoffee table styling

This week I updated my Pinterest boards. If you want to see some of my FAVORITE ideas for event design & home design check out my Pinterest here.

This week I wore my FAVORITE Badger red shirts almost every day because the Wisconsin Football season starts tomorrow against Alabama! I believe my Badgers can pull off the upset! 

Those are some of my favorites from the week! 

I hope you enjoy your Labor Day weekend!