Monday, August 3, 2015

Weekend Recap!

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a great weekend! 
I can't believe how fast the summer has gone & that it is already August.  

I had a really busy & really fun weekend. This weekend I was in Madison, WI to coordinate a beautiful wedding! :)

The weekend started out on Friday with me picking up a couple buckets of flowers in Racine and driving them two hours to Madison.

 Just me and some flowers on a road trip. My car smelled so good!

Once I arrived in Madison, My sister Amanda & I grabbed dinner at Grays Tied House in Verona, WI before we got down to work! 

The wedding reception took place at the Paoli Mill Terrace in the little town of Paoli, WI. (About 9 miles outside of Madison.)

Doesn't it look like the perfect summer wedding setting?

After dinner on Friday night we arranged the flowers for the tables. We worked in the bridal dressing room while listening to country music. It was pretty laid back & a nice calm before the event on Saturday. 

In a sea of flowers! 

We got back to Amanda's apartment with plenty of time to get a good night's sleep, but I think that we had so many details running through our heads that we both didn't sleep that well. :)

We woke up Saturday morning, got Starbucks and headed to the venue by 9am. From 9am to 3pm we were in venue decoding mode. We put out tablecloths, runners, flowers and jars first. 

There were 260 guests attending the wedding, and thirty four 8ft tables in total. 

Next, we placed the vintage china and vintage napkins. There was a beautiful mix of different patterns and colors on all of the china and napkins. These, along with the burlap table runners were all rented from Something Borrowed in Fort Atkinson, WI. 

Next, we moved on to all the details you see. A friend of the bride hand lettered all of the chalkboards. Isn't she talented?!

Set up was finished around 2pm. Amanda left to head to the ceremony & I stuck around to finish last minute perfecting of the details. At 3pm vendors started to arrive & we were all set for cocktail hour at 4:15! 

The rest of the night was spent running around working out details and keeping a timeline. (Not much time to take many pictures!) It was so much fun! 

Seriously?! Doesn't Emily make the prettiest bride?! That flower crown. That dress. Perfect bridal style! 

Dinner was served from food trucks. Such a cool idea! 

GORGEOUS bouquets!!!

The night ended with dessert, late night eats & one epic dance party. 

Like I said, I don't have many pictures from the night because we were working the whole time, but I am so excited to share the professional pictures taken by the amazing Maison Meredith when they are posted.

Overall, the night was one of the best summer weddings I've ever experienced. You could feel the love between and all around Emily & Zack the entire day and night. I feel so blessed that they trusted the details of their day to Amanda & I. 

We made it back to Amanda'a apartment around 1am on Saturday night, and I fell asleep the minute my head hit the pillow. :)

On Sunday morning we got brunch with some of our best friends who were in Madison for the wedding. The rest of Sunday was spent on the couch trying to recuperate (our legs were sore from walking literally the entire day) & scrolling social media to look at pictures from the day before. 

I hope you had a great weekend! Enjoy your Monday!


  1. Power duo for the win! 😉 It was an amazing weekend!
