Friday, July 31, 2015

Friday Favorites

Hooray,  it's Friday!

 I'm really excited for the weekend! I'm headed to my favorite city - Madison, WI to coordinate a wedding on Saturday. Don't forget to check back on Monday for my weekend recap!

Today, for Friday Favorites I'm linking up with fellow bloggers AmandaJennie & Erika to share five of my favorite things from this past week. 

1. The Bachelorette Finale

Bachelorette: What Shawn Booth Did with Roses from Kaitlyn Bristowe

I love watching the newly engaged Bachelor/Bachelorette couples make their rounds with the media. I may be naive here, but I really do believe that Kaitlyn & Shawn are in love! I'm a hopeless romantic so I always, always pull for the couples to make it in the real world! 

I believe in you Kaitlyn & Shawn! :)

2. Four Year Old T-ball 

Have you ever watched four year old girls play t-ball? My nieces are on their first t-ball team this summer, and this week I got to see them play. It is so funny and cute to watch! They are pretty good at hitting the ball off the tee and running, but they definitely get a little bored when in the field. 

At one point, they were sitting on the mound playing in the dirt (like many four years olds I'm sure), and I yell to them from the stands, "be ready, eyes on the batter!" Haha oh man - I have to remind myself that they are only four! I also might have gotten upset at the ump for a bad call he made at home. Eeek - crazy aunt alert! :)

But, seriously, being aunt is my favorite! 

3. New Fonts

The Freakishly Huge Bundle of 40 Fonts and Bonus Vectors (Plus Web Fonts & Extended Licensing) - Only $39

Yesterday my sister & I got such a good deal on over 40 beautiful fonts to use for designing! They normally retail for over $500 and we got them for only $40! 

If interested, you can check out the deal here

You might just see some of these fonts make an appearance on my blog. :)

4. Wedding Planner Prep

As I said, I am coordinating a wedding with my sister this weekend, and all this week we have been figuring out timelines, connecting with vendors and making to-do lists. While some people hate doing these kind of things, tasks like these are SO life-giving for me! 

Lists on lists, details on details -- count me in! 

Oh yeah - here is one of those fonts I just bought! I made a little cover page for our wedding to-do lists for Saturday. The bride's name is Emily, the groom's name is Zack, so their wedding hashtag is #LovingyouisEZ (get it- E. Z.) Isn't that the cutest?! 

5. Spending time with my Mom

Since living with my mom for the past year, we spend quite a bit of time together. I was in Colorado for two weeks & I really missed her while I was gone! Also, while I was away, she did all of my laundry & cleaned my entire room. She is seriously the best! 

Those are some of my favorites from this past week. What are your plans this weekend? Let me know in the comments! 

Have a great weekend y'all! 


  1. Cute font package! I'm sure you'll put to good use!
    trish - tales from trish

  2. Woo hoo, Crazy Aunt Club! I'll hopefully be posting lots on Instagram for you to creep on! Thanks for the blog support this week! Love ya!

  3. Such a great deal on those fonts!! Can't wait to see your weekend recap!!! Have fun!

