Monday, September 28, 2015

Weekend Recap: First Weekend of Fall!

Hello! It seems like it's been forever since my last post! So sorry about that! It was a combination of being busy with other things & lack of content. 

However, I'm back today with my weekend recap! 

Happy Fall, Y'all! 2

Last Monday was the first day of fall, and we celebrated this weekend! 

Although it is officially fall, it still feels like summer in some parts of Wisconsin! We enjoyed the weather at Party on the Pavement in downtown Racine. 

Face painting was our first stop. 

Crown making was our second. 


We walked down Main St. & it was super crowded (& filled with people who were enjoying their alcohol ;)), so we decided to head home after about an hour. 

Saturday night we watched the Badgers beat Hawaii & played Uno -- wild, I know! ;)

On Sunday afternoon we went to our favorite pumpkin farm! 

You must stand by this sign every year to see how much you've grown since the last! 

Doesn't that pumpkin girl look exactly like Cinderella?! ;)

I think Cat in the Hat was falling asleep? :)

Train ride time! 

Alexis wanted to be right behind the big tractor! It wasn't busy at all, so you could pretty much sit wherever you wanted. 

Feeding the goats!

My three favorite girls on the hayride! 

With Grandma Mary! :)

My cute little pumpkin Ava K! 

I love these two more than words! 

This was the first year that we went to the pumpkin farm so early, and it was actually really nice! We almost had the whole farm to ourselves & we didn't have to wait in any lines. Maybe going the last weekend in September will become a new tradition ;)

Hope you had a great weekend! Happy Monday! 


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