About Me

Hello! My name is Sarah. 

I'm a twenty something who loves connecting with others and sharing inspiration. I'm a proud Wisconsin  native who believes that Midwest  really is best. I am a follower of Jesus who is continually thankful for His Grace in my life. Hence the name  Midwest & Grace. Want to know more? Find out more about me below. Want to connect? Follow me on Twitter (@sewaller) & Instagram (@sarahelizabethwaller), or send me a message!

10 Fun Facts About Me!

1. I have a identical twin sister. Her name is Amanda & she is my best friend. If you head on over to my Instagram you will see a lot  of pictures of us together. (Try to guess which one is me!)

2. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2012 with a BS in Human Development & Family Studies. I am a HUGE Badger fan & I LOVE my alma mater! I'm also slightly obsessed with the Men's Basketball Team. (I love you, Nigel Hayes!)

3. I work for an awesome ministry for college students called Cru. I first heard about Jesus' love and grace through this ministry & it changed my life forever. After working for two years as a preschool teacher, I felt the Lord calling me to join staff with Cru full time. If you would like to hear more about my ministry, shoot me a message!

4. Madison, Wisconsin is my favorite city in the world. It's the best city in the world. No questions asked.

5. My sister & I are wedding coordinators/designers on the side. Ever since we were bridesmaids in our cousin's wedding 5 years ago, we have had a passion for wedding design & coordination.  We've coordinated quite a few weddings the last few years and we love it. Click here for more information on Midwest & Grace Events. We would love to help you with your wedding day! 

6. I love my family. My favorite role is being an aunt to my three beautiful nieces.  Ask me about my nieces, I will go on for hours. ;)

7. Almost all of the television shows I watch are reality tv shows. I am an avid Bachelor and Bachelorette viewer. I never miss an episode & I usually live tweet during them too. My other favorite shows include: Big Brother, Survivor & The Amazing Race.

8. I love design & styling. When you hear "styling" you usually think of clothing, but I'm talking about space styling. Like styling a bookshelf to look picture perfect, or styling a tablescape for a party or event. Flowers & mint colored items are almost always featured in my designs.

9. I love to travel, but haven't traveled very much. Places I dream of going: Los Angeles, Seattle, England & many more :)

10. Most importantly -- I love Jesus. My relationship with Him is the center of everything else in my life. I strive to do everything for His glory. A life apart from Him is no life at all.

Want to know more? Just ask! I would love to chat with you! :)


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