Sunday, August 23, 2015

Weekend Recap

Monday is here! Hope you all enjoyed your weekend!

Today, I'm recapping my weekend. 

Friday night I went to dinner with my mom, then we went for a walk by Lake Michigan. Isn't it a beautiful view?

We also walked by the Racine Zoo downtown (right by the lake) -- Another beautiful view!

My mom is getting better at taking selfies :)

Saturday, I spent the day adventuring with these two. I also taught them how to do the "nae nae." Crazy aunt Sarah strikes again ;)

It also happened to be a good hair day ;)

Even going to the grocery store with the fam is an adventure ;) Saturday night we ate ice cream & relaxed. 

Sunday we went to my mom's work picnic & these two looked as cute as can be! 

Being an auntie to these two is the best! We spend our "nap time" watching Dora & taking selfies! :)

What did you do this weekend? Let me know in the comments!


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