Friday, August 7, 2015

Friday Favorites

Friday is here! Time to get the weekend started!

I'm linking up with some fellow bloggers Andrea, Erika & Heather  to share my Friday Favorites! 

 Football Season is Near! 

The countdown has officially begun! As a huge fan of both the Packers & Badgers, I could not be more excited for the seasons to begin. The Packers are projected to go to the Super Bowl, and the Badgers are pretty much always expected to be good. :) 

 Farewell FLOCK

Yesterday I shared my memories & thoughts on the house I lived in during college (The FLOCK). I loved reading comments from my former roomies & friends. Nostalgia at its best! To read the post click here.

Astronauts Wife Club

Have you seen this show? It's a limited summer series based off the book of the same title. I've never been a big history buff, but I've loved watching the history of NASA Astronauts & their wives as told through this show. I also love their retro style -- such great fashion choices back then! :)

The Stevens Wedding Pictures

As I've shared a couple times, last weekend I coordinated the wedding of one of my roommates from college. This week, my favorite photographer Maison Meredith Photography shared the AMAZING images they captured of the day. 

SO BEAUTIFUL!  To see more, click here.

Those are some of my favorite things from the week! 
Check back next week for my recap from my weekend in the Wisconsin Dells. 

Have an amazing weekend, loves!


  1. I started watching the astronauts wives club too! I love all the real-life Apollo accounts so this show is right up my alley! Coming from Friday favorites!
