Tuesday, August 4, 2015

End of Summer Bucket List

Hey, it's Tuesday! August is here, and that means summer is coming to an end soon. Today, I am going to share some things I want to do before summer comes to an end. 

1. Go to the beach.

Family friendly North Beach Racine

My hometown of Racine, WI actually has a really nice beach on Lake Michigan. I went a few times last summer, but have yet to go this summer. I'm hoping to make it once before the month is over.

2. Play tennis.

Tennis is my favorite sport to play, and it's really good exercise! My sister & I have played tennis a few times this summer, but I definitely want to try to play a couple more times before the summer ends. Also, I'm pretty pumped to watch the U.S. Open this month. My favorite player is Andy Murray! 

Andy Murray in action against Ivan Dodig

3. Visit the Wisconsin Union terrace.


I'm hoping to make it to Madison one more weekend this month & I want to spend some time at one of my favorite summer spots -- the terrace at the Wisconsin Union.  It's also not too bad to visit in the fall. ;)

Fall on the Terrace

Doesn't it look beautiful?! It's even better in person. 

4.  Make a "summery" recipe. 

I really like to cook, but I defiantly don't do it as much as I would like. I want to try a new recipe this month! Do you have a go-to summer recipe? Share it with me in the comments! 

5. Spend time with my family.

My mom goes back to work (at a school) and my nieces go back to school soon, so I want to make the most of the time we have left as a family this summer. We are heading to Wisconsin Dells this weekend & I couldn't be more excited! 

What's on your end of summer bucket list? Let me know in the comments! 

Enjoy your Tuesday!


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